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FeelGrounds Shoes Review

While I’m often showing you what I create or how I remodel, cook, sew, etc. I also share with you my health/learning journey in my Inspire project gallery. Without a doubt, my revelation on how to better my overall health as I near the 50-year-old marker, is one of the best investments I have ever made. Starting from the ground up, our feet carry us all day and deserve this attention. When’s the last time you sat and assessed those wonderful feet of yours? I have a FeelGrounds shoes review to inspire you to consider making some changes.

FeelGrounds Shoe Box | #prodigalpieces

*post sponsored by FeelGrounds with all opinions my own (see disclosure here)

Why in the world am I talking about feet? Well, back a little over a year ago I set out to make huge changes for the better in my physical and mental health. You can read more in my Fit Over 40 blog post HERE. That then was the catalyst to learning about how my marriage affects my mental health. Then, followed by my barefoot journey beginning HERE. What a couple of years it has been!


That brings me to today. I cannot say enough positive words about how switching from conventional shoes to barefoot/minimalist shoes has made a gigantic difference in my life. Not only the footwear but strengthening and allowing my feet to function and be the shape they are created to be. With a quick focus on you older folk… one of my goals was to avoid having hip or knee surgery as I age. I’ve noticed a scary enormous trend that people are having replacements far too often. That they need orthopedic inserts, etc. I did NOT want to follow that path.

With that being said, I invite you to go back to my original post for links to all sorts of resources to aid you in taking charge of your own health too. The absolute fun part of all of this is all the wonderful choices that are now available for foot function and fashion. eep! I will be blunt in saying that I love shoes. I’m sorta a fashion nut as you can tell by Reduce, Reuse, REFASHION projects.

So, you can imagine my elation I get to try FeelGrounds shoes for the first time. Not only do they have endless styles available, but they’re cute! Take a peek these Courtside Classic in Retro Beige.

Larissa with Wings in her Courtside Classic FeelGrounds Shoes in Retro Beige | #prodigalpieces

Side View of Retro Beige Courtside Classic FeelGrounds Shoes Review by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces

First, as I mention in my video below, I was very hesitant to give vegan leather shoes a try. I typically prefer natural materials as I tend to sweat in the faux leather. However, I am greatly pleased to say that is not the case with these shoes. Not only are they comfortable, but after wearing them many days in summer weather, my feet did not suffocate.

Street Art with FeelGrounds Shoes Review of the Courtside Classic by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces

Top View of Retro Beige Courtside FeelGrounds Shoes by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces

Bottom of Courtside Classic Retro Beige | #prodigalpieces

Also, I’ve received compliments on them as I’ve paired them with many styles of outfits.

Strength in FeelGrounds Shoes Review of Courtside Classic Sneaker by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces

Larissa of Prodigal Pieces Sharing FeelGrounds Courtside Low Sneaker | #prodigalpieces


As a sidenote, part of my strengthening in my weightlifting is doing wall sits… barefoot. I’ve never had such healthy feet and legs for balance and strength!

Retro Beige Courtside Sneaker for a FeelGrounds Shoes Review by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces

FeelGrounds Shoes Review Blog Video by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces

Take a gander at my foot change from my beginning point to current day. I have increased shoe size from 9 to 11. My toes are straightening and spacing out, my arches are strong, my metatarsals are freed up, and overall strength is huge now.

Barefoot Foot Transition for Larissa of Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces


Now, what kind of mother would I be if I didn’t share this experience with my kids? Of course, I want my children to be their healthiest selves as well. While they are 90% in bare feet all year round since birth, I want their shoes to reflect good health. When shopping for shoes that enhance our foot function, I look for these features:

  • wide toe box that allows for splay and suits the foot shape
  • zero drop – no drop from heel to toe and no toe spring in the front
  • thin outsole that allows for optimal ground-feel and foot function (the shoes featured here have 5mm stack height, which is fantastic)
  • flexible to allow metatarsals, arch and toes to do their job correctly

Mr. O is my youngest son and gave the Courtside Mid in Retro Black a try. While he is not a baller in the basketball sense for high school like his mama, he is fantastic at tennis. For the record, I tried to start a tennis team at my old school – found a coach, had courts – but the school said football was their focus. ahem.

Take a peek at these smooth shoes! The low style I wear comes in 8 colors, while this mid style offers 4 color choices.

FeelGrounds Shoes Review of the Courtside Classic Mid in Retro Black | #prodigalpieces

Vintage Style Courtside Mid Sneaker by FeelGrounds featured by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces

When off the court, Mr. O is stylin’ and has also had many questions from his teammates as they’ve seen him sporting toe socks and these shoes. So many are intrigued to learn that it’s exciting!

Can you believe I had a red and white pair like this when I played basketball back in the day?

Black & White Retro Style Courtside Mid FeelGrounds Shoes by Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces

Bottom of Courtside Mid by FeelGrounds | #prodigalpieces

Featuring FeelGrounds Courtside Mid in Retro Black by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces


Next, you have to love these Highrise Luxe in Metallic Rose. When my youngest daughter picked these out, I had a hard time not getting a pair in my size. I actually had a pair of pink leather high-tops back in the 6th grade!

FeelGrounds Shoes Review of Highrise Luxe Metallic Rose by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces

Metallic Rose Pink FeelGrounds Highrise Luxe Shoes by Larissa of Prodgal Pieces | #prodigalpieces

They’re soft, super flexible and yet have grip so she can keep her little active self moving.

Back of Metallic Rose FeelGrounds Shoes Review by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces

Bottom of Highrise Luxe Shoes | #prodigalpieces

Playground Highrise Luxe FeelGrounds Sneakers by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces


Last, but not least, you have to see these adorable Chelsea boots for our FeelGrounds shoes review. Like the previous shoes, these are also vegan leather, water-resistant, and also check all the barefoot shoes boxes. Although, keep in mind FeelGrounds offers sandals, sneakers, boots, and more.

Adorable FeelGrounds Chelsea Boot Review by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces

FeelGrounds Shoes Review of the Chelsea Boot in Sienna by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces

This particular color is Sienna and goes with so many outfits like dresses, jean, slacks and more. Aren’t they sweet?

Back of FeelGrounds Chelsea Boot | #prodigalpieces


FeelGrounds Chelsea Boot Bottom by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces

The tread on these is different than the sneakers giving it even more versatility. I mean, who doesn’t love the ease of a slip-on shoe?

Flexible FeelGrounds Chelsea Boot in Sienna by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces

Minimalist Chelsea Boot for FeelGrounds Shoes Review by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces

I think I’ll be borrowing these in the near future. tee hee.


Are you inspired yet? After this FeelGrounds shoes review my hope is that you have a renewed interest in how to better care for your body, including your foundation, your feet. Yes, you can increase strength, stability, movement for any age. There’s no need to allow ourselves to fall prey to certain nuances within the medical world. I’m here to say I feel and see the difference in my entire body. FeelGrounds shoes are a brand that allows me to be the best me and look good too.

FeelGrounds also have knit, canvas, leather and more. Check them all out HERE.

I invite you to share your own barefoot journey and tell me favorite FeelGrounds shoes. In addition, pin and share to inspire others too.

Want healthy, happy feet? Larissa of Prodigal Pieces shares her FeelGrounds Shoes Review for Barefoot Minimalist Shoes | #prodigalpieces

Before you go, be sure to sign up for my FREE newsletter because you don’t want to miss this month’s Trashy Treasures time with this headboard below.

Thrifted Headboard Before | #prodigalpieces

Until next time!
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While you’re at it, here are inspiring posts for you like my FeelGrounds shoes review:

Larissa of Prodigal Pieces shares My Barefoot Journey - a mid-life mama learning to walk, run, and be minimal in her feet while healing | #prodigalpieces #barefoot #minialist #feet #healthA homeschooling, entrepreneur mother of 8 commits to being Fit Over 40 without drugs or tricks. Full details at Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces #fitover40 #fitness #diy #women #health


  1. Niki says

    Great looking shoes!! I’m no Imelda Marcos when it comes to shoes but I have a few pairs. I remember sending an email when you first started grounding or barefoot shoe wearing. I really want to try it but haven’t gotten that far. Sadly my mind keeps tracking to the “sport shoe” and I end up buying the latest “good for you” shoe the world says to wear. Right now I wear on clouds or ASICS.and my old Hoka’s to mow in and then there are the hey dudes to slip on quick and run errands in.
    Thanks for sharing these and I’m glad you mentioned that they doesn’t make your feet sweat! Are they lightweight or a heavier shoe?
    I’m glad you had fun celebrating birthdays, happy belated to your dear daughter. Have a great weekend!

    • Larissa says

      Yes, they sure are! 😀 I get it as it took me a bit to fully switch over and it can take time. They are very lightweight (the shoe I have is 10.9 oz) but very durable too. Thanks so much, Niki!

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Client Love

I love it! Larissa is amazing. She listened to what I wanted and then she took care of the rest! This is my second piece I've bought from her and I'm in love! I highly recommend her.

~ Laurel

Prodigal Pieces

~ Laurel

I love it! Larissa is amazing. She listened to what I wanted and then she took care of the rest! This is my second piece I've bought from her and I'm in love! I highly recommend her.

I love this cart, it's exquisite. The item was received in extremely secure packaging, no damage to the item. The delivery person was very professional and courteous. Larissa of Prodigal Pieces is so very amazing. A rating of 10 is deserved. Thank you, Larissa.

~ Stephanie

Prodigal Pieces

~ Stephanie

I love this cart, it's exquisite. The item was received in extremely secure packaging, no damage to the item. The delivery person was very professional and courteous. Larissa of Prodigal Pieces is so very amazing. A rating of 10 is deserved. Thank you, Larissa.

I should have left this review MONTHS ago! I absolute love this lunch bag. I honestly carry this 5 days a week. It is the perfect size! Not only can you put your lunch in it, it can also hold your book. I enjoy reading at lunch, so I have all I need in one cute bag. Thank you so much Larissa!

~ Mikki

Prodigal Pieces

~ Mikki

I should have left this review MONTHS ago! I absolute love this lunch bag. I honestly carry this 5 days a week. It is the perfect size! Not only can you put your lunch in it, it can also hold your book. I enjoy reading at lunch, so I have all I need in one cute bag. Thank you so much Larissa!

Awww…I love this sweet Cat with an attitude!! SO SO adorable! Well worth the money, and he will become a priceless treasure in my home! Thanks Larissa for always making your ideas turn into true treasures!

~ Sharon

Prodigal Pieces

~ Sharon

Awww…I love this sweet Cat with an attitude!! SO SO adorable! Well worth the money, and he will become a priceless treasure in my home! Thanks Larissa for always making your ideas turn into true treasures!

Perfect purchase from start to finish! Absolutely adorable piece so creatively thought out. Packed with the greatest of care with lightening fast delivery. Very customer-oriented and friendly crafter. Could not ask for more! Thank you!

~ Deanna

Prodigal Pieces

~ Deanna

Perfect purchase from start to finish! Absolutely adorable piece so creatively thought out. Packed with the greatest of care with lightening fast delivery. Very customer-oriented and friendly crafter. Could not ask for more! Thank you!
Prodigal Pieces