As a mama to 6 funtastic kids, nothing makes my heart happier to see them learning and growing and succeeding on their own. If you've been with me for long, you know that they are ol' pros as working on projects of their own. Take this vintage Queen Anne table, for instance. My next to oldest ... READ the POST
Broyhill Hutch Desk Refreshed with Wallpaper
Do you have a bucket list? Ya know. A list that holds either coveted events, or places you'd like to go? In all the years I have been working on furniture, there are a few different types or styles of furniture that I haven't had a chance to work on. Today, I'm taking one of them off my bucket list ... READ the POST
Broyhill Brasilia Loses Its Flower Power
Have you ever heard of a Broyhill Brasilia? You will now. True story: A few weeks ago, I was in a nearby city and was looking for a chair to pair with a vanity. I had never been in this particular thrift store that had relocated to an old empty mall and had heard it was a great place to hit. I ... READ the POST