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Neurotypical Wife in Neurodiverse Marriage

“You need to pray harder for him…give him to God…you need to submit more…he’s just being a guy”. Those are all the things I heard from people (pastors, friends, family, etc), books, videos, podcasts, and even focused on in Scripture while trying to figure out why my marriage is failing and is not what I expected. A few posts ago, I shared with you the intro to my neurodiverse marriage that I didn’t know I was in for 24.5 years. While that may surprise you, I’m here today as a neurotypical wife sharing what I would have done differently had I know my husband is a high-functioning autistic, as well as some of my six children.

Hands of Neurotypical Wife in Neurodiverse Marriage | Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces

While I briefly go over how I came to the realization of how I came to deduce our situation in my previous post, I’d like to go a bit deeper this time around in part 1, followed by part 2 later this week. In addition, I realize that not everyone is in a similar marriage, however, I feel this is of utmost importance for all to understand as neurodiverse couples rate is becoming greater and greater by the day. There is a lack of training in the counselor world (both religious and secular) to understand the dynamics.

Additionally, think of how beneficial it would be to understand these specific aspects in marriage for your own family, friends, etc. For the sake of history, let’s start at the beginning, shall we? I’m writing this after spending months and hours researching, heart searching and praying that this reaches the right person(s). I’ve also created a video for you to hear from my life stories as a neurotypical wife.


First and foremost, JC is a brilliant, friendly, sweet man that has had his own set of troubles before marriage, just like I have. We both did not know we were facing autism when in our marriage. My sharing my side of the story while trying to understand his side is why I’m here today. I have to share past stories so you can see how this problem built up over the decades. My goal is not to make him out to be the bad guy. I played my part in this unknowingly and am learning in retrospect of how things could have been better, and problems avoided or lessened.

While sharing stories, my goal is for those seeking answers they can see themselves, their spouse, their children, their parent, etc in the stories and can relate. Maybe this will lead to some finding answers and even getting help so they don’t reach the point of hopelessness.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 19:11


*this asterisk will signify the events that were symptomatic of autistic behaviors that I did not recognize at the time. Following each paragraph I will try to relay what could have been done differently.

I was a senior in high school that had a few boyfriends (less than a handful) because I didn’t want to be a girl who broke hearts and wanted to save myself for marriage, sexually speaking. In my junior year, I dated a guy that put me through the ringer and decided after that I would take a dating respite. So, for about a year, I just enjoyed hanging with my girlfriends and being me. Then, by my senior year, I felt that if I took my time to find an intelligent, mature, responsible guy, I would trust God to lead me to him. You see, I wasn’t a Christian yet, though I believed in God and attended church faithfully with my family. More on that in this previous post HERE.

At the time, I truly believed God led me to JC (a junior at the time) from what I knew. During our 3.5 years dating, I had signs that I can now see looking back after realizing it was autism I was seeing. For instance, we talked on the phone for 2 weeks before going on a date. I had to call him because he wasn’t picking up on my cues of interest. * Then, after our first date he said he would call and there was no response for 2 weeks. * Remember that I had been through awful times with a previous boyfriend, so I wasn’t going to take any junk from another guy. I called him and bluntly asked why he never called as promised, he said he forgot…*

summation: At this point, we’re both so you that there really isn’t much I could have done to know or behave differently. He was masking, and I was assuming he was like-minded. If he had known he was autistic, he could have explained things to me and teach me what he was to be expected and work out what fit us both better. resource: Autism Experts – world’s largest organization by and for autistic families or AANE – Asperger/Autism Experts


While dating, JC and I would agree to do various things. For instance, after his work he would come to my house to hang out. However, the promised time to arrive would be irritatingly ignored and he’s show up two hours later.* Remember, there were no cell phones so I just waited and waited though he could have called from work. My sister would ask me, “so…why are you dating him??” after I would complain. Or, I would make special time to visit him at his house when I was super busy, and he’d sit down to eat and pick up the newspaper right in front of my face. * I told him that I didn’t come all the way over here to watch him read the paper…sigh.

In my mind I chalked it up to immaturity or not being taught social skills. I mean, I was 17 and he was 16 when we started dating. He was so shy and didn’t talk much. * I had friends that would even ask me…does he ever talk? Even a friend of mine dated him before I did had asked, “Does he talk to you? He never talked to me, and it drove me crazy!”


Finally, after 3.5 years of dating there were times that I had to literally become invisible to him for days to get him to realize he was ignoring me or not remembering commitments. * I wanted him to see I was valuable and something to cherish meanwhile asking why he didn’t make effort in our relationship. At the same time, I was also testing the ground of “do I want to marry this man?” On top of that, I had to plan everything and initiate all the events in our lives. * During our sophomore year of college (we are 20 and 21 now), I want to get married. It made sense financially, we have been together long enough, and I wasn’t investing any more time into someone who wasn’t serious about me. * He wanted to marry too…sometime…whenever…in the future.

summation: While I obviously went about enabling, again. I should have been empathetic without enabling. Also, I should have set better boundaries for myself as a neurotypical wife. If I had known about autism, I would have made the clear of my expectations for both of us as well as responsibilities allowing for each to have space and needs met. Remember, it’s like an iPhone user trying to use a Droid and vice versa. Two different operating systems, but both work. resource: The Journal of Best Practices: A Memoir of Marriage, Asperger Syndrome, and One Man’s Quest to be a Better Husband by David Finch: a wonderful read written by a man who didn’t let his diagnosis stop him. In addition, Good Boundaries and Goodbyes by Lysa Terkeurst a book to help you establish healthy boundaries as a neurotypical wife.


Long story short, I had to convince him that marriage was a good idea. * That didn’t sit well with me at all as that’s not my way of thinking things are supposed to go. I wanted it to be natural and a joy for us both. There was no proposal…he came over to visit after I knew he was getting a ring. He sat down beside me on the floor as we’re watching TV and just handed it sideways without even looking at me. *

I said, “Aren’t you going to even ask me?”

Larissa of Prodigal Pieces Shares About Being a Neurotypical Wife | #prodigalpieces

He then, did. But I was so very disappointed as he couldn’t even look me in the eye. *

Funny thing is, that this last year I joined a neurodiverse relationship group. In there, all the ladies had stories exactly like mine or worse! “He shoved the ring into the shower when I was showering”, or “he slammed it down in front of me while I was working on the computer”. I now know why that all happened but try seeing it from my side as a girl who grew up dreaming of the day of the proposal.


Also, during this time, I sign us up for a young newlyweds class at church, and even a parenting class as I want to prepare for everything. I got books to study together such as Before You Say I Do, The Act of Marriage, Five Love Languages, etc. My goal was to be the best mother and wife that I could be. Little did I know how damaging those books are for any married couple – more on that later.

On the day of our wedding, we needed to sing a hymn as part of our ceremony. Lack of forethought left us at the altar without a hymnal. He went to get one from a pew and then shared it with his best man as I stood alone. *

summation: again, you can see a trend here of needing understanding, communication, boundaries, and expectations set. Neurodiverse Christian Marriages Network – Dr. Stephanie Holmes and her husband, Dan, are a neurodiverse couple that didn’t come to the diagnosis until recent years. They have articles, videos, podcasts, courses – so much to offer and have been a huge help to me. They also offer course to those wanting to expand their counseling or ministry to include neurodivergent counseling training.


Next, we are married for our junior and senior years of college in Georgia. I had to plan the honeymoon, find a place to live, set up all the arrangements for making everything gel. *  Those were crazy days as we both were deep into our studies, had jobs, and were 12 hours away from family in Ohio. During that time, I noticed some things changing.

Much like our dating relationship (not realizing I’m the neurotypical wife), I was the one who took care of everything. I had to take care of bills, set up appointments for us both, planning our future after college, etc. *  I blew it off as he’s busy with school and will grow into being a husband that I can have as support. When it came time to figure out a plan after college, he wasn’t doing anything to prepare. *  I kept a calendar of deadlines, bugged him to complete entry papers to grad schools. In addition, I made sure all applications were in on time and our next living accommodations were in place.

He wanted to continue for his masters and eventually a PhD so he could teach Greek & Hebrew at collegiate level. His focus is Biblical Languages (one of his special interests). I’m such an empath that I want to help people in any way I can. Apparently, that makes me a prime subject for falling for a neurodiverse guy. I am fully the enabler by now.

summation: While I tried to keep doing better and better for us both, it seemed he did less and less as I took the reins to “help”. That, in turn, only made things worse for me, and assumably him in different ways. 22 Things a Woman Must Know if She Loves a Man with Asperger’s Syndrome by Rudy Simone – a good read for a neurotypical wife.


After graduation, we hit a big snag. I mentioned that I had to handle his transition to grad school. He didn’t do anything in a timely manner. On top of that, we had to move out of school housing. *  When we arrived at Kentucky to attend Asbury Seminary, all poo hit the fan and I knew we made a mistake. It didn’t bother him, but I then had to ask to move home with my parents until we could figure things out. All during this time I kept feeling like I am the husband and the wife. I had to think of everything or else there would be another mistake. *

We eventually move to our current city location with many bumps along the way. It’s at this time I feel like becoming a mother is finally a dream coming to realization. My first pregnancy was horrible. I had 9 weeks of hyperemesis which landed me in the ER severely dehydrated. During my pregnancy, the Cleveland Clinic decides to end the midwifery section of the prenatal care. That left me in my last week finding a new doctor. After birth, I have stories to share in this past post. During my labor, JC found it appropriate to watch the NCAA basketball finals for his favorite team. * (another special interest). I was so hurt that he didn’t recognize my pain, fear, and lack of needful care. *  Read more on Cassandra Syndrome HERE.

summation: As you can see, this is where I kept taking care of all the responsibilities and now face taking care of another human. I kept praying that I wouldn’t feel so alone. I would communicate my feelings to JC in various ways, but he just didn’t get it. He assumed I was being an overly sensitive female, and he is just being a typical guy.


While I’m seriously skipping many events, I want to quickly focus on becoming parents as an unknown neurotypical wife married to an autistic man. You see, my husband is cool as a cucumber most of the time. However, I have learned that I cannot be sick or in pain or he doesn’t handle it well. *  So you can imagine how that bodes when you’re having children – eight children, six here with us on the earth. (one stillborn, one miscarriage)

My plan is to share more specifics as I’ve realized I’m a mom to high-functioning autistic children. However, during the child-bearing/rearing years is when I really lost myself. I was highly becoming co-dependent on JC and eventually my kids. This due to the lack of a healthy marriage relationship where my emotional needs are being met.

Codependency is a dysfunctional relationship dynamic where one person assumes the role of “the giver,” sacrificing their own needs and well-being for the sake of the other, “the taker.” The bond in question doesn’t have to be romantic; it can occur just as easily between parent and child, friends, and family members. (source)


It’s during this time that my previous years’ efforts of talking to JC about every six months about needing more were irrelevant. I was better off talking to the wall. Eventually, I began speaking to him more on a yearly basis. Still with no change or feeling of being heard. By the time we hit our 10-year anniversary I worked hard to make it special. Meanwhile, he didn’t really do anything. Then, I decided that I’m going to do less. I felt unheard for so many years, wondering why our relationship felt awful though married to a godly man. By the time I was pregnant with our third child I was in tears. I didn’t want to have another child with this man.

What is more, I became the scapegoat for many problems within his family, within my family, and assumptions flare up. As a neurotypical wife carrying a burden, I am seen as controlling or overbearing even though I want this yoke lifted. I would refer to being married to him as a we’re a yoke of oxen and I’m dragging him along the entire way.

summation:  It’s at this point no one believes me when I quietly share stories of my grief. JC was/is seen as a perfectly sweet person and there’s no way he does anything wrong. An inside joke between us was that his name stands Jesus Christ. In his family he could walk on water. Therefore, it’s assumed the problem is with me. Why Women Who Leave Lose Twice – I find myself in this article over and over again.


Unfortunately, by me cutting back on being myself (celebrating others) that led to more pain and more misunderstanding. Could I have known what I was facing? Not a chance. However, I will elaborate more on what I did do right and what I could have done better. The goal of this post is to establish an understanding of how this evolved over time.

You see, each time there was a major life event or transition, I can now see how JC’s mask was falling off. In autism, folks put on a mask to fit in. However, when that happens, they’re not being true to themselves. This can cause issues within the brain causing stress and anxiety. My neurotypical wife thoughts were of him to respond to me as my brain functioned one way. His safety would be to be alone, less stimulation, less interaction, and focus on stimming. The absolute for him is finding that spot of peace.

Little did I know that a person on the spectrum requires excessive sleep to regulate. His naps were more important than me or the children, in my mind. I would beg for time with him, but he’d stay up late on his phone or with a book. Then, the next day take hours and hours long naps to recover. Meanwhile, I would be the one caring for the children at night by myself. Because if one of them woke him up, he would wake up extremely angry and worse than any sick child. Eventually, I would just decide to handle all things by myself. He caused me more stress than any needy child. That meant feeling like I am a single parent literally all of the time.

summation:  You can see how the lack of knowledge and understanding in us both is causing harm. My faith taught me to stay the course no matter what. That meant I hung on losing more and more of myself. That didn’t need to happen as a neurotypical wife. Barbara Grant – a neurodiverse life & couples coach. She has helped me even when I’m not an official client.


To wrap up this part of my discussion, I want to leave a few insights as well as my video. First, after the “diagnosis” of autism, it made sense when JC always corrected me in my speech. Autism lends itself to being very logical. While I take it as criticism, he just is being correct. Additionally, JC has at least one comorbidity of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). Having ADHD, OCD, etc. is quite common with autism. Also, I believe he possibly has PDA (pathological demand avoidance). It’s defined as:

Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) is a term used to reference a pattern of severe, chronic resistance toward cooperation with ordinary requests in daily life. PDA is considered by many to be an atypical presentation of autism, and has qualities that are seemingly inverse. Also referred to as Extreme Demand Avoidance, or Pervasive Drive for Autonomy, the UK acknowledges PDA as a behavioral profile of autism. Demand avoidance associated with autism may occur due to rigid adherence to routine; difficulty transitioning between preferred and non-preferred activities; sensory overstimulation, which in turn creates overwhelm; inflexible thinking in regard to problem-solving; difficulty stopping perseveration; and social or performance anxiety in general. (source)


He also tends to only see things a certain way when it comes to emotions (aka alexithymia). For instance, many times he would say, “you’re mad at me”. In absolute puzzlement I would say, “No, I’m not. I’m hurting and sad.” I find this best described as he has a box of crayons that has 5 primary colors, while I may have the full box of 124 colors. He sees my emotions through his colors and doesn’t understand my body language to be able to tell him more than what he can see.

Alexithymia, derived from the Greek language, means “no emotions for words.” This psychological construct is used to describe people who struggle with feeling and expressing emotions. It represents a reduced ability, or sometimes a complete inability, to be connected with the internal emotive signals your body sends you. If you have alexithymia, you do not only have trouble knowing how you feel, and you also struggle to tell how others feel. This can make you socially anxious as you cannot read non-verbal cues. (source)

You are never alone | neurotypical wife story | #prodigalpieces


What I initially am dismissing as just a preference became more noticeable. It has to be this way for him. His inability to deal with basic executive functions causes him to create routines. He eats the exact same meal for lunch every day and even other meals. A few years ago, I couldn’t get him to change from tuna, pasta, peas, mayo, hot sauce and milk. Eventually, I talked him into something new and now it’s years of chicken, potato, peas, mayo, hot sauce, and milk. This is his coping mechanism to lessen his executive function overload. Funny thing is, for many, many years, I made his lunches for him, but quit after he started complaining. He even got oodles of compliments from coworkers that I made the best lunches ever. Little did I know I was a neurotypical wife to an autistic man.

Video Discussion of what it's like to be a neurotypical wife in a neurodiverse marriage by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces #marriage #neurodiversity

summation: JC is getting “worse” as his mask falls off and even may be dealing with mid-life crisis. If he had known how to deal with himself all these years, he would have learned self-regulation. See Embracing Intensity for ways to communicate to your neurodiverse loved one as a neurotypical wife, mother, daughter, sister, or friend.


You know that I write for YOU. So, hearing from you is what makes what I do worthwhile. I know many of you will mean well with advice. However, honestly, I have done and am doing all I can at this point. My goal then is to pass what I’m learning onto you as a neurotypical wife. Leave some comment love below, as well as pin and share so others can find help too. You can see more on My Pinterest Board as well.

Larissa of Prodigal Pieces is a neurotypical wife in a neurodiverse marriage and shares her story | #prodigalpieces #marriage #diversity

Next, I’m sharing Part 2 of this neurotypical wife post. Be sure to sign up for my FREE newsletter. PLUS, you will get your free Furniture Buying Checklist and special discount to my shop. Until next time!
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Also, here are more posts related to my neurotypical wife explanation today:

Larissa of Prodigal Pieces | Intro to My Neurodiverse Marriage | #prodigalpieces #family #autism #neurodiverse #marriageAre you facing trials that are causing you to shut up? It's time to step up, speaking the truth no matter what. Head to Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces #truth #God #faith #inspiration #love #joy #scripture


  1. Sherri Maher says

    Larissa, what an insightful post. I have experienced many of the same things you have and have even researched Aspergers Syndrome. I am so grateful for all the information you have provided and your willingness to share this very personal side of your life. Thank you so much and I look forward to the next installment of your story. What a blessing you are to all!

    • Larissa says

      It’s good to hear that, Sherri, because I truly want to help others searching as I found there was little shared from a perspective like my own. It’s great that you’re researching and learning!

  2. susan says

    Love and prayers for you Larissa. My heart goes out to you 💕

  3. Angie says

    Hey from NC Larissa! I’ve followed you for awhile but never commented before. But I just feel the Holy Spirit compelling me too (I ignored that feeling after the first post) I’ve been married 22 years after dating for 3 years. We welcomed our only son 6 days before our 1 year wedding anniversary. I’ve been a stay-at-home mama, home schooler and housewife since his arrival. Life was always hard and our marriage difficult. Shortly after our 9 year anniversary my husband came to me confessing a hidden pornography addiction. I of course was blindsided and devastated. We began a rollercoaster of Christian counseling/recovery/more acting out/drama/pain/secrets/lies and on and on. I found out last year after he lost his job at our church that he was never clean. I saw the signs but was told I was paranoid, etc. Unfortunately he uses at work so it’s hard to “prove”. Needless to say my wounds and confusion have reopened. All that to say as I read your story, our life and relationships and family dynamics have been so similar. So many of your experiences I could have written! My question is…in your studies have you read about any links to neurodiversity and addiction like my husband’s? Possibly as a coping mechanism or obsession or compulsion? Just trying to make sense of it all. Thank you so much for your bravery, candor and transparency. You are a precious, beautiful daughter of the King! Praying for you my sister. 🙏🏻

    • Larissa says

      Hey there…O-H…!! 😀 I got goosebumps reading your comment because YES…there are strong links to autism and pornography. There is also links to alcoholism and other coping mechanisms. I’m sorry you’ve had such a tough road as well. There are literally so many I am finding that didn’t realize their path is similar as well. Thank you for making me feel heard and I truly hope to encourage others. Sending healing hugs!!!

  4. Rhonda says

    I know your faith is strong. You will find the right path through this for and your family. Just don’t lose yourself again. As you can see now, you are the one who has to do this for yourself and your children.

    • Larissa says

      Yes, you are so right. It’s crazy how I thought I was taking care of myself…more on that later.

  5. Sandra Skeem says

    You’ve been on a difficult and exhausting road. My heart goes out to you and I’m sending love and prayers.

    • Larissa says

      It’s has been for both of us. What a world has been opened to me in understanding it all. Prayers are powerful and I thank you. 🙂

  6. Niki says

    It’s awfully brave to lend yourselves to the vulnerability of sharing with us after the amount of highly vulnerable times in your life that were left void of compassion and empathy. Again I just want to give you a hug, the best way to do that is to stand with you in prayer for continued healing. You are and have been a blessing to so many of us who follow you. I encouraging us to reuse, recycle, refashion what we can in our own lives. Larissa you fix what you can and make beautiful the messes of what things have become because so much in your life is unfixable. I know you know all things are possible through Christ-your faith is strong! Much love and God bless!!

    • Larissa says

      I know because others have braved sharing that has helped me, so I know as I’ve seen in the past how God takes our trials (self-inflicted or not) and uses them for His glory. I know he loves me more than my marriage I was striving so hard in. Thanks so much, Niki.

  7. Teresa says

    Hugs and prayers for your journey forward and thankful you are discovering answers. I’ve been through similar and haven’t weathered it well. I’m the example of what not to do. The most peace I have is staying small and to myself. Decades I was blamed as the problem from family friends and church. Church counseling encouraged him and blamed me. I digress. Now, upon meeting or speaking with a woman who feels hurt and struggling I first ask how she views her marriage- normal, disappointing, difficult or destructive. (Leslie Vernick) You never give normal advice to last two! Until your articles I didn’t even think about neurodivergent! Another layer to consider.

    • Larissa says

      Teresa, I’m so sorry you can relate to me, but I’m also so thankful you’re helping me to feel heard and understood. Leslie Vernick is amazing, and she has helped me realize so much of what I’ve allowed to have happen to me. Neurodivergency really can be hidden to the outsiders, but the intimate family know it well.

  8. Caye Cooper says

    Oh Larissa! Of all the joy and love I can wish for you, I cannot offer advice because you HAVE to work this out YOUR way. I do Decree for you that the Presence within you showers you with all the courage, strength, and power you need and that JC needs! Bless you a thousand fold!

    • Larissa says

      How absolutely sweet of you to bless in such a wonderful way. Blessings received, Caye! 🙂

  9. Linda Guice says

    I’m standing in prayer with you. I’m so so sorry you are hurting. We do have hope! All of us. Praise the Lord for that. Jesus we are weak but you are strong. Bring glory to your incomparable name. Strengthen this Wonderful) daughter of yours and love this son and these blessed wonderful children as only you can do. Amen.

  10. Jennifer says

    Thank you for sharing Larissa. I am sorry for your pain and am praying for you. I also have a neurodiverse child with extreme executive function problems. It can be extremely difficult to find the right way to parent. I have used trial and error over the years not really knowing she was neurodiverse until she was a teenager. I am currently reading Smart but Scattered for Teens. It is explaining a lot and hopefully will help me help my child become more productive and organized in her own way. Thanks again for sharing. Looking forward to your next post.

    • Larissa says

      It’s all a learning process and part of God’s plan. I know He wanted me to be the mother of these children for a reason. I’m so glad you figured and are figuring out your daughter. What a blessing you are!

  11. Mary says

    Larissa my heart and prayers go out to you. It is a very lonely road that you are on but one that God will help you to walk. I want to thank you for sharing your story with us it is very brave of you to tell us all these things. Know that it is helping many of us, and me in particular to see patterns in my family as well. Sending all my love to you.

    • Larissa says

      I’ve got God! 🙂 I remember during the time just before I knew about autism that I boldy spoke to my husband (it seemed as if I was not speaking for myself, but it came from my soul). I calmly told him, “I have come to realize I don’t need any man in my life. All I need is Jesus”. I couldn’t believe I said it, but it felt unearthing.

  12. Barbara Fisher says

    You are a great mom and I have always thought highly of you. You do so much and I feel so lazy. I have finally figured out after alot of years of life all people have issues. Some are worse than others but we all have some sort of issues to deal with. Life is hard sometimes and it does not get any easier as we age.

    • Larissa says

      You brought tears, Barbara. Yes, I’m ready for Jesus to return and take me home – no more pain, no more tears, and all joy.

  13. Amy says

    Hi Larissa! Thanks so much for sharing your difficult story. As I’ve read, it has confirmed what I suspected: I am probably on the high functioning end of the spectrum. My husband would definitely be able to empathize with you, especially about the periodic “talks” to state what you/he needs (some would say that, for a man, he is very emotionally intelligent), I’m wondering if, when you are done with this series from your point of view, we could hear a little about how this all looked to your husband. Thanks again!

    • Larissa says

      Hi Amy! If you think you are, here’s a link to a few online quizzes (though not officially a diagnosis) to help you. One at Wilderness to Wild (you have to sign up with email to get it in your inbox, and it’s run by an autistic mother, the second is a basic one many prefer HERE. Also, on YouTube there are a many people find help from: Orion Kelley “That Autistic Guy”. “Mom on the Sprectrum”, and “Autism from the Inside”.

      As for my husband, we can’t have a conversation about it at all. I truly wish, for his sake, he figures it out because I believe his dad is autistic and leads a lonely life twice divorced. I’ve tried to relay a bit and wanted to share more about my effects. I will keep that in mind. I’m excited for you because if you figure this out, it will mean a world to YOU. I’ve already seen positive changes in my kids from us all learning.

  14. Barbara Fisher says

    I want you to know you have those children to struggle on for. Yes it’s hard but you can do it. Keep on putting one foot in front of the other. A journey is one step at a time. You have this girl. You have come too far. I do not even know you personally but I love what you have become. A good mother.
    Love you
    Barbara Fisher

    • Larissa says

      Thank you so much, Barbara. I’m not quitting on my kids – no way. 🙂 However, struggling in a dead marriage I won’t do or showing them what kind of wife not to be. I’m showing them what a woman of God needs to do for herself as I am loved, I am who Christ died for. Yes, steps are taking us the right way. They are seeing the changes within our family as positive and are learning about themselves. It’s amazing to see!

  15. Lisa Stidham says

    Wow I am so sorry that you have had to go through this but hear the strength in your faith and know you will be okay! I highly highly highly recommend the book “How to Be Human: An Autistic Man’s Guide to Life” by Jory Fleming for both you and JC. It’s incredibly eye opening and so well written!

    • Larissa says

      Thank you, Lisa. I have had the book at home and read it, but he won’t touch it with a ten-foot pole. I’m learning much to help my kids and setting boundaries. It’s been good and I know God is leading me out of the wilderness.

  16. Micky says

    Hi Larrisa,
    Thank you for sharing your story and being so vulnerable. I understand what you’re going through. I didn’t realize that I was married to a man with autism. A funny, insightful, short book by Olivia Hall has helped me navigate and understand how to, survive, stay sane and married to a man on the autism spectrum. The book is called “You’re Not Crazy, He’s Autistic: A 10-Step Guide for Wives of High-Functioning Autistic Men.” This may help and encourage you and other women trying to figure out what’s going on in their marriage. Thanks again for sharing your story with us.

    • Larissa says

      Hi Micky, Thank you for sharing and commenting. I had not heard of that book and will add it to my list to share. What’s key, I found for many that works, is that both people are willing to understand each other, accept autism, and work towards a unified goal with efforts in communication.

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Client Love

I love it! Larissa is amazing. She listened to what I wanted and then she took care of the rest! This is my second piece I've bought from her and I'm in love! I highly recommend her.

~ Laurel

Prodigal Pieces

~ Laurel

I love it! Larissa is amazing. She listened to what I wanted and then she took care of the rest! This is my second piece I've bought from her and I'm in love! I highly recommend her.

I love this cart, it's exquisite. The item was received in extremely secure packaging, no damage to the item. The delivery person was very professional and courteous. Larissa of Prodigal Pieces is so very amazing. A rating of 10 is deserved. Thank you, Larissa.

~ Stephanie

Prodigal Pieces

~ Stephanie

I love this cart, it's exquisite. The item was received in extremely secure packaging, no damage to the item. The delivery person was very professional and courteous. Larissa of Prodigal Pieces is so very amazing. A rating of 10 is deserved. Thank you, Larissa.

I should have left this review MONTHS ago! I absolute love this lunch bag. I honestly carry this 5 days a week. It is the perfect size! Not only can you put your lunch in it, it can also hold your book. I enjoy reading at lunch, so I have all I need in one cute bag. Thank you so much Larissa!

~ Mikki

Prodigal Pieces

~ Mikki

I should have left this review MONTHS ago! I absolute love this lunch bag. I honestly carry this 5 days a week. It is the perfect size! Not only can you put your lunch in it, it can also hold your book. I enjoy reading at lunch, so I have all I need in one cute bag. Thank you so much Larissa!

Awww…I love this sweet Cat with an attitude!! SO SO adorable! Well worth the money, and he will become a priceless treasure in my home! Thanks Larissa for always making your ideas turn into true treasures!

~ Sharon

Prodigal Pieces

~ Sharon

Awww…I love this sweet Cat with an attitude!! SO SO adorable! Well worth the money, and he will become a priceless treasure in my home! Thanks Larissa for always making your ideas turn into true treasures!

Perfect purchase from start to finish! Absolutely adorable piece so creatively thought out. Packed with the greatest of care with lightening fast delivery. Very customer-oriented and friendly crafter. Could not ask for more! Thank you!

~ Deanna

Prodigal Pieces

~ Deanna

Perfect purchase from start to finish! Absolutely adorable piece so creatively thought out. Packed with the greatest of care with lightening fast delivery. Very customer-oriented and friendly crafter. Could not ask for more! Thank you!
Prodigal Pieces