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New Beginnings and a History

Five years ago on Mother’s Day, I was in a mood. A sort of irritated mood that was affected by the day’s events and people that had been building up that made me decide to take action on an idea that had been brewing. Little did I know that by paying my $10 fee to claim a domain as my own would take me on such grand adventures. Hang with me today as I take a stroll down memory lane, and share some new beginnings I’ve been working on for the last few months.

Time for New Beginnings as a Seasoned Blogger by Prodigal Pieces |

Some of you have read my stories of how I started out, but it’s worth repeating for those that need a bit of encouragement today. I had no idea back in 2013 what I was doing, but I knew I had more of me to share than what I was currently doing. Mind you, I had already begun my business in 2012, so changes were already in progress.


However, it was until that Mother’s Day that I was exhausted of being ignored in my life by various people and felt it was time to share me. Now, don’t get me wrong that I think I’m above anyone else, but knew that if I was to make any difference in this world and still be in the most important place – with my children – I had to do it online.

The internet was somewhat appalling to me, social media was something I turned my nose up at and refused to become a part of, and staring at a screen couldn’t be any more of a deterrent. However, I saw them all as tools. Those things may often be used for dark reasons, but I decided it was time to be a light.


So, I dove in headfirst and began to learn how to code a blog. Computer-ease became my new language, and I spent HOURS and HOURS figuring out how to set up my new home away from home. Starting a blog is as easy as filling in a template, but that wasn’t enough for me. I wanted to make it mine and I refused to look like a newbie. (yes, confessed overachiever here…is there any other way? {{wink,wink}})

My first post published in June of that same year was sort of a test. It was titled, “Peonies and Painting“. Big surprise, eh? Those are still some of my favorite things. That post was something to see if anyone would care if I was there. For fun, you should take a read. I feel it’s good if we all take a minute to look back at where we came from to see how far we’ve come. My original blog looked nothing like this one and has come a long way, but you get the idea.


What started as a way to just feel like I was doing something became a point of: I have to make an income doing this or it’s not worth my time as my time is precious to me. I noticed other bloggers earning a bit from ads and such, but the idea of putting ads on my blog literally made me sick (still does, honestly). However, I knew if I was to reach anyone I had to jump in, even if I was in over my head. Yikes!

Okay, so here I was blogging, and things were taking off like a rocket ship. New beginnings! I found myself doing topics on interior design, furniture, home decor, sewing, cooking, crafting, and repurposing. Those are all things I love and by writing about them I was able to provide funds for my growing family. God was blessing me beyond all belief AND I felt like I was doing something to make a difference.


I can’t tell you enough how much it means to me when you send me a note of encouragement. When I hear how what I do makes an impact in your life, it’s utterly fulfilling. That’s what I’m all about and this blog is my home and family too. So, when you send that email or leave a comment, I can come back, even years later, and see how I have been blessed. Better yet, others can read and also be inspired.

For all those that come to tear me down, that’s what the DELETE button is for. While I can’t delete the words from my head as much as I’d like to, they do impact me greatly too. I’ve learned ways to handle them – as they do happen all the time. I used to respond to many of them causing myself even more headache. Some have even made me want to quit opening up my heart and walk away from blogging. However, I truly feel God wants me right where I am…for now.


While I don’t plan on going anywhere soon, I am asking God for guidance in a few things. I feel that there is more I can be doing for my family, my community, and even me. Painting furniture and being crafty is not only what I want to do, to be honest. My heart is being pulled in a different direction and He is leading me, but I have to be patient. Your prayers are coveted and deeply appreciated while I listen to His still, small voice. I feel things are taking shape, so I will share as I can. Best way to stay in the know is to subscribe to my newsletter to get the updates as I roll them out.

"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in You," Isaiah 26:3 Bible Verse via Prodigal Pieces New Beginnings |

In the meantime, I’m all about new beginnings and starting fresh. One of the ways that I had to make some changes was in my site. You would never know it unless you were also a blogger or a techie and could see the problems. Either way, things were a hot mess. All sorts of parts were clashing causing issues with my site and my shop. It is an unending battle in the online world, I tell ya. So, for the last 8 months, I’ve been cleaning house and still am, and even have moved my shop to a new (online) location. YAY!


So, instead of it is now Make sure you change your bookmarks!


To me, my shop is more than just a place to sell. It’s where my family and I work hard 24/7 to help you create your home story. We offer items that are handmade, supplies, and even goods from a previous era that can’t be bought in a box store. For us it’s all about creating an environment where you feel welcome as if you are in our own home.

As you read about my journey, maybe you are looking to begin your own adventure. Possibly you are seeking the inspiration you need to start a project, or even just be with like-minded folk. Either way, you are important to me in more ways than one. Because of that I want to give you some LOVIN’.


One of the ways I want to celebrate my new beginnings is to offer a special gift to all of you. Yes, all of you, meaning even those that aren’t moms, but want to honor the mom in their life or have a mothering spirit.

Get 20% off Prodigal Pieces Store to Celebrate Mother's Day New Beginnings at

But that’s not all. I love to gift people, so I’m also offering 3 different giveaways to all of you too. Wahoo!!

First, this prize package is an antique printer’s drawer, two of my #Trashure mugs (one for you and one for a friend), plus a $50 gift card to my shop.

Win this Antique Printer's Tray, Two #Trashure Mugs, and a $50 gift card to Prodigal Pieces New Beginnings |

Second, you can win a set of my farmhouse ticking potholders, an antique rolling pin, a #Trashure mug, and a $40 gift card to my shop. Yippee!!

Win this Antique Rolling Pin, Handmade Farmhouse Ticking Potholders, and a $40 Gift Card to Prodigal Pieces |

Third, one of you will get a #Trashure mug, and $25 gift card to my shop. Sweet!

Win a #Trashure Campfire Mug and a $25 to Prodigal Pieces Shop at

Easy entry – just fill out the widget below for as many entries as you like (daily even). Open to U.S. residents 18 years of age and older. Winners will be notified via email and will have 24 hours to claim their prize. Be sure to check your spam. GIVEAWAY CLOSED.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you again for being there on the other end of this vast screen, for showering me with love, and for following along with me on my adventures. I’d love to hear from you, so shout it out. Here’s to new beginnings!


Pin and share to inspire others to get out there and begin their own adventure. New beginnings for all.

Take a peek at how a seasoned blogger got started and is adapting to new beginnings by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces |

Up next, I have some new beginnings for this cutie I nabbed at the thrift store. Head here to see! (<–CLICK)

Outdated Bookcase Before Makeover by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces |

To get these DIY tips & tricks in your inbox, be sure to sign up for my newsletter. PLUS, you will get your FREE Furniture Buying Checklist and special discount to my shop. Until next time!

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Also, more fun like this new beginnings post:

This tired looking Mid-Century Modern Bassett credenza gets some color fun with a pop of paint. Come see how it's done! by Prodigal Pieces www.prodigalpieces.comBuild a Mud Bar Play Station out of Reclaimed Wood by Prodigal Pieces |



  1. Melanie says

    Thanks for the opportunity! Blessings as you discern next steps.

    • Larissa says

      Thank you, Melanie. I feel God has great things in store

  2. Carol says

    I always enjoy your thrift store makeovers and can’t wait to see this bookcase completed!

  3. Laura Overholt says

    I LOVE reading about people’s beginnings-thank you for sharing. You are an inspiration, for sure!

  4. Sandra says

    Larissa –
    Have a Happy Mother’s Day!
    Peace and Blessings to all of your family.

  5. Debra Wise says

    You are such a blessing! Best wishes as you listen to God and follow Him on your next steps. Thanks for giving of your time and being an inspiration! Love ya!!

  6. Della Morse says

    You are truly an inspiration to all of us that read your blog. As a mother and grandmother I can say that you are a fabulous mother to your children and a devoted wife to your husband. Keep doing what you are doing, as you continually WOW us. God certainly has a hand in your life and will always guide you in your continued success. Always stay true to yourself. Many blessings to you on Mothers Day.

    • Larissa says

      Your heartfelt words mean much to me in more ways than one. I try to do what I can. Thank you, Della, and blessed day to you too.

  7. Debra Wise says

    Forgot to include thanks for the giveaway and all 3 of the gifts are awesome!

  8. Vanessa says

    Thank you for all of your ideas and sharing your talents with us.

    • Larissa says

      My absolute pleasure, Vanessa. I hope to do more and in a bigger way. God will lead.

  9. Denise C says

    I find that life is an unpredictable journey. Many blessings to you in your journey. Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.

  10. Shirley says

    I wish you the best in finding new adventures and taking care of your heart!

    • Larissa says

      Thank you so much, Shirley. I’m excited to see what’s around the corner.

  11. Bev says

    I love seeing your creations. And what a great giveaway! If I would win, I would have to spend it on a vintage treasure. Blessings on your new venture, whatever it may be!

    • Larissa says

      Thank you! I would love to give more, but fund don’t allow it. haha.

  12. ColleenB.~Texas says

    You’re Always an inspiration and always look forward into receiving your newsletter and for that I thank You.
    Wishing you the very best and God Bless.
    What a wonderful giveaway. First and fore most I would buy some of the Zibra brushes if I should happen to be one of the winners.
    Thank you

    • Larissa says

      You are such a blessing to me, Colleen. I mean that…hugs!

  13. Alison S says

    I would choose some of the zibra paint brushes.

  14. Laura Overholt says

    I LOVE reading about people’s beginnings-thank you for sharing! You are an inspiration, for sure!

    • Larissa says

      Fun for me to share too and looking forward to much more. So glad to hear it!

  15. Tina Gautreau says

    You are truly an inspiration. I loved reading about your beginning and the huge step to put yourself out on the internet. I pray that your path of new beginnings fulfills exactly what you are looking for. If I won, I’d use the gift card on a vintage find. I love the crock for utensils.

    • Larissa says

      It was the craziest, most blessed thing I’ve done for me in a long time and so glad I did. Thank you, Tina!

  16. Michele Branham says

    Larissa, know that you are a true inspiration. Your love for your family and what you do shines through with every post. I feel so fortunate to have stumbled onto your blog. I wish you the best on your new beginning.

    • Larissa says

      I’m delighted you found me too, Michele. We are so blessed to happy, healthy, and loved. Thank you!

  17. Susan says

    Blessings in whatever direction He takes you. I have wanted to launch an idea that I have felt I was being called to for years, but I just don’t have the strength to do the incredible amount of work nor the resilience that you have to succeed in the online world. I really don’t even feel like success is part of my calling but continue to be unsure of myself. You are certainly an inspiration as I love how you stay true to yourself and your projects always speak to me. Thanks for pursuing your dream!

    • Larissa says

      You never know what you can do until you try. Sometimes the trying is what gets you to where you need to be and not where you thought you needed to be. Does that make sense? I’m so thankful for your awesome support, Susan. Thank you!

  18. Lezlie Adams says

    Always an inspiration. Wishing you the very best on your future endeavors.

    • Larissa says

      You’re so sweet to me, Lezlie. Thank you for always showing love.

  19. Barbara Brannon says

    I have always found you to be an inspiration, whether it be furniture make-overs, thrifting ideas, being a Mother and total family love. I thank you for all you do. Please continue on your journey to wherever God takes you. Thanks for the giveaway. I would probably choose your Zebra brushes if I were to win.
    Thanks again –

    • Larissa says

      It means the world to me to hear that, Barbara. Thank you! I truly hope God can use me to the max.

  20. Amy says

    I love seeing your furniture makeovers. Changing and growing keeps things fresh and interesting!

  21. Nancy Sartori says

    Hi Larissa,
    What a wonderful blog. I know God will lead the way in the Next chapter in your life. God has blessed you with an amazing talent and he has a plan. Your commitment to him and your amazing family won’t go un noticed. You have been an inspiration to me, a 60 year old woman who started out running a shop for close to 20 years, then closing and now I’m planning on starting up again. (God has a way doesn’t he). I don’t really know what direction he will lead me, all I do know is to trust in him,…and he’ll do the rest. May God bless you, your family,and your adventure. You have certainly been a blessing to me.;)

    • Larissa says

      He sure does! So excited for you in your endeavors and praying for peace as you make your way. He sure blesses us daily.

  22. Lorri Rauscher says

    Larissa.I love reading your blogs. I always look forward to seeing what you and your family are redesigning(.
    May God show you the way to what you are chosen to do!! Happy Mother’s Day to you!!?

  23. Claudette says

    Hello dear Larissa, for a moment I was afraid that you announced that your blog was closing!
    I do not write often (I am from Quebec and not very comfortable with the English language – thank you google translation). If I was closer, rest assured that I will go to your shop 😉
    All that to say that you remain my weekly sunshine, and wish you a Happy Mother’s Day. I admire and envy your creativity and skill; an inspiration for me. Good continuity!

  24. Julie says

    I’m never sure how to do those give away things and I never win, but thought I’d give it a try anyway ;).

    I do love your creative mind, it’s always good food for thought. So thank you!

  25. Holly says

    Love your work! And the Trashure mugs!!!

  26. liz says

    You are very talented and I love how you see treasure in odd disparate items. You inspired me to paint my desk – I used the same green color that your son used on one of the dressers he made over. Your children are so darn adorable and I love watching them grow in their skills. I’d love to win one of your prizes but am sure whoever wins will be thrilled. Keep your light shining!

    • Larissa says

      So very sweet of you to say so, Liz. You just may win, ya know! I never win giveaways either. haha!

  27. Mary West says

    I would use it to buy one of your antique bowls!

  28. Kenda says

    What??!! Who says negative things about you? I pity the fool who makes me go all Mr. T on ’em! Seriously though, I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now and I can’t tell you how much you’ve inspired and encouraged me on many different levels. Seeing your e-mails pop up in my inbox is always a bright spot. Praying that God blesses you and your sweet family’s socks right off!

    • Larissa says

      You are HILARIOUS! hahaha! Thank you so much for being the light for me, Kenda. hugs!

  29. Patty Soriano says

    Larissa, a very generous giveaway, thank you. I can’t believe that there are people who could find something negative and rude to say to you. I’m so sorry. they’re out there, gloom and doom in their wake. I really couldn’t tell you what I’d get if I won. There are so many things to choose from ! You’re a sweetie !

    • Larissa says

      There truly are some people who just need love if all they have to share is hate. I try to remember that and keep on keepin’ on. The world is full of enough darkness that I don’t have any other job than to be light.

  30. Lynne says

    I am new to your site and I love all that I’m seeing! Thank you for sharing your gifts and talents with us! I am so in love with the workbench you made! I’d love to have that in my home!

    • Larissa says

      So absolutely stoked, to have you, Lynne! Yay!! Thanks so much for the love.

  31. Ann says

    I love reading your blogs and find them to be inspiring and encouraging! Can’t wait to try some of your recipes that you’ve shared as well. I really enjoy your email/newsletters. May God continue to bless you and your family. Thank you for sharing so much with all of us!

    • Larissa says

      That’s the best news to hear, Ann. Thank you for being there for me and supporting me in my adventures. May there be many more to come! 😀

  32. Rebecca - Knoxville,TN says

    Love reading about your life, family and makeover adventures! You are an Inspiration. Thank you for being real.
    I would love a trashure mug and an apron.

    • Larissa says

      I’m delighted to hear it, Rebecca. Thank you for following along in my fun. 😀

  33. Cathy says

    Well congratulations on your NEW Beginnings, Larissa! I have been following you for over a year now and just LOVE all your projects. You are such an inspiration to me!!!

    • Larissa says

      Thank you, Cathy! It sure is exciting and I am so blessed. Here’ to more fun, right?

  34. Kathy E. says

    Larissa, I wish you the best of blessings always! You’ve worked so hard on your business and definitely deserve the recognition and smoothness to make your family #1 and happy! I’d love to go shopping in your shop!

    • Larissa says

      Your blessings are felt and sincerely appreciated, Kathy. Thank you for being there on the other end of my story.

  35. Sherry Fram says

    If I won I would buy me some of those pumpkins or those adorable sheep!! Thanks for doing what you do. Your blog gives me great ideas & inspires me to look at things with a different perspective. God Bless you & your family.

    • Larissa says

      How fun are you?! I know you’re a gal after my own hear, Sherry. Thank you for the smiles! 😀

  36. Linda says

    Larissa, I have to be honest. I rarely leave comments because I didn’t think they meant much to a blogger. From now on, when I am inspired, given hope on a bad day, chuckle over content or for whatever the reason – I promise I will let you know. I have followed your blog for a long time and I cannot tell you how much belonging to your blog family has meant to me. Honestly, from my heart, I mean this.

    • Larissa says

      How wonderful to hear. Yes, comments are like gold to bloggers. Comments on social media and the like disappear never to be seen again, but blog comments are things we can come back to to evaluate where we are, be reinforced when we need a lift, and just feed others that are also on the same path. Your words have made my day. THANK YOU!

  37. Shelly says

    I’ve followed your writings, your inspirations, your weekly challenges and achievements, and feel a special friendship to where I look forward to you weekly emails to my inbox! I, like you, am taking “baby” steps to fulfill my dreams. Don’t ever change, just grow.

    • Larissa says

      That is an absolute treasure to me, Shelly. Thank you for saying that and encouraging me. Yes, plans to grow and to find more of me again. I miss being simple. 😉

  38. Mary Falks says

    Your story of how you began is very inspiring… It is a message that I needed to hear. Thank you so much for sharing that today. If I was blessed to win a gift card to your shop I would use it to get some of those awesome Zibra paint brushes! Thanks again, Mary

    • Larissa says

      I wish I could type it all out for you with all the ways that God has been a part, but I try to share all I can without writing a novel. haha! Thank you, Mary.

  39. Tracy says

    Happy Mothers Day. Thanks for the giveaway but most of all thank you for the years of wonderful ideas. Take care.

  40. Renee P says

    Larissa – wherever your new beginnings is taking you, I am sure that you will be an inspiration to everyone who follows you. How could you not be with your talents and gifts? Not everyone can turn a beat up old dresser into a work of art that looks like a VW Wagon! Thank you for the past journey you have taken us on and I know we all look forward to following the new ones you are beginning. Also, thank you for your generous giveaways and a Happy Mother’s Day to you!!!

    • Larissa says

      You’ve made me giggle!! Thank you, Renee. And a Happy Mother’s Day to you too!

  41. Rebecca Drake says

    I can’t wait to see your new direction and updates. I love your blog because you are so down to earth with your projects! Thank you for this blog!

    • Larissa says

      I’m excited to share because we just had a long-awaited door open for us just after I posted this blog post. So exciting!

  42. Donna says

    You are such a wonderful example. Thank you for sharing.

  43. Gilmer Gal says

    Blessings on our new path, Larissa! I look forward to your blog always. Love that you include your cute kids to help and give them their own projects. Col. 3:23

    • Larissa says

      He is leading and I’m trying to make sure I’m following the right path. Thank you, Tracy! 😀

  44. Michelle says

    I hope your path keeps you blogging and sharing. I don’t follow a ton of blogs and would hate to lose your inspirational posts! Bless you on your journey!

    • Larissa says

      I plan to, just need to change up my days so that I can enjoy life more and do more for others on a more meaningful level, if that makes sense. haha. God is already opening up doors. So exciting!

  45. Michelle says

    Others have said it so well, but I appreciate all you do and your generosity! These gifts are amazing. I got my Zibra box of brushes yesterday and I can’t wait to paint something!

    • Larissa says

      How exciting!! I can’t wait for you to give them a try. Thank you for being there for me.

  46. Sandra Skeem says

    You’ve done such great things with your business, way to go!!!

  47. Kim Lawhorn says

    Whew! You scared me for a moment–I thought you were going to announce that you were not going to do trash to treasure features anymore, or something drastic like that! So, I’m excited to see the new look and still get the same quality articles and makeovers, etc. that I’m use to seeing on your site! Thank you for sharing your talents and your heart with us. Have a blessed Mother’s Day!

    • Larissa says

      hahaha!! You made me giggle! I’m going to keep plugging away and creating, but feel that I need to make changes for many reasons. Our goals are to find more time for things we love, especially doing more for others.

  48. Nancy says

    Thank you for sharing your heart. God has blessed you with many talents and as you seek His will your path will be revealed. Thank you for being open about your faith as well as your projects!

    • Larissa says

      I feel I could burst at times with all that I could share, but I try to not look like a lunatic. hee hee hee! Thank you so much for your encouraging words, Nancy.

  49. Audra Taliaferro says

    I really enjoy your repurposed pieces! Looking forward to the next one!

  50. Judy Newell says

    Larissa, I am also like Linda who commented that she rarely leave comments, but I can say that I thoroughly enjoy your posts. While I may skip through the text on other sites because I am impatient and I just want to get from the “before” pictures to the “after”, I always stop to read yours. They are well written and inspirational and I have learned a LOT since following you. I can’t even imagine who would find any reason to write mean comments for you, but those people obviously need more love and happiness in their lives (Plus something better to do with their time!). Keep on with the great work!

    • Larissa says

      Wonderful, Judy! My mother even says she jumps to the bottom and then comes back up to read. So funny! That makes my day to hear you like my story as much as my work. I truly feel they go hand in hand and so much can be learned. Thank you for taking the time to show me love!

  51. Cindy Downing says

    I love everything you do, everything in your shop, and wish you all the best. I have no idea yet what i would pick, it’s all so awesome!!

  52. Paula says

    I was in the middle of a long, sappy comment and it disappeared. My kids aren’t going to be patient much longer. So many others have expressed some of my thoughts more eloquently than I could. Thank you for being a bright light…you truely are; and for those of us that see it we are grateful that you share it with us. Thank you for the giveaway that shares a piece of your world with us as a constant physical reminder of your light. I have been wanting to get one of your mugs so that it could have coffee with you every morning. How sweet of you include one (or two) with each prize. I’ve always wanted a printer drawer so of course I’d love to win one. It was a treat to visit your “remodeled” shop. With a gift card, I’d have to put toward a set of ZIBRA brushes cause that’s on my wish list. Thank you for everything you do for us!

    • Larissa says

      Oh no! I hate when that happens…sorry! Bless your heart for even trying again. Thank you for taking them time to show me love, Paula. I truly love hearing from you!

  53. Carol San Diego says

    All the prizes are wonderful! Enjoy your blog!

  54. Robin Carter says

    I love the work you do. Wish I was that tllened

  55. Jewell says

    Good luck with your new blog! Love your work!

  56. Barbara Mitchell says

    Larissa, I would love to pick your brain on ways you would display your type tray. I have one that I used to hang on the wall with small knick-knacks in it, but it got to be too hard to keep dusted. So now it is just in storage, but I would like to be able to use it again … but don’t have any ideas. I know anything sitting out will get dusty – I think it might just have been all the small pieces! Any thoughts? Thanks, and I’m jealous that I don’t have a DIY bone in my body … well, maybe my little finger! LOL

    • Larissa says

      Too funny! I hear ya on that one. I like to use them in so many facets, but have yet to find a way to avoid dust. So, I just take it outside and use my air hose and shop vac to capture the goodies and enjoy my trays on the wall or mantel or even as a table top under glass.

  57. Kimberly says

    You are such an inspiration to me. I have set up a crafting area on my covered patio and am creating new pieces for my oldest daughter as she buys her first house! Habitat for Humanity ReStore is my go to for some furniture bargains. Keep up the good work. Prayers as you seek His will.

    • Larissa says

      How exciting! Gotta love a crafty space and being able find things to rescue. Have fun!

  58. Cheryl says

    I would buy the Handcrafted Stoneware Pottery Bowl ~ Ash Pottery.

  59. Calvin says

    Really unique things, would look through them all, and pick a gift for my mom or dad !

  60. Sandi says

    I am so sorry that some can be so cruel with their words. I don’t understand why they would choose you. I think it may be that you are true to yourself and beliefs. When someone is a little different people can prey on them. For some odd reason it makes them feel better if they are cruel to others. I truly know how talented you are and you always amaze me with your ideas. There are more of us who love you as you are than those who do not. Have a Happy Mother’s Day and enjoy the day with your family. It also amazes me that your children are so talented and how they can learn so young. God bless all of you.

    • Larissa says

      It’s all part of the game, Sandi. You know you’ve arrived when people lash out at you. haha. Thank you for showing love. Happy Mother’s Day to you too!

  61. April Lopez says

    I’m not sure what I’d get. I’m a slow decision maker!

  62. Lisa Wilson says

    You are such an amazing talent and I love seeing your work. It is so wonderful of you to share what you do and the details on how you do it as it helps those of us that don’t have your vision. May god bless you and guide you on your journey!
    The item I love the most is the old door that you did and made it a mirror, but alas it is not for sale.

    • Larissa says

      Thank you! I’m all about empowering other so they can do the same. It brings me such joy. Yes, that mirror will be with me till I die. haha!

  63. Jayme Coonce says

    Love love love! You are so creative and have taught me to be much more imaginative in repurposing and decorating. Blessings to you!!

  64. Judy Martin says

    I want to follow in your footprints~~well almost/lol love to try start a business about the same here in Fla.
    ..Just can’t think of a go geter name for it…I love fixing stuff & craff…& I like New beginnings started me a flower
    space in my yard with the paths~~

    • Larissa says

      Names can be so hard to pick for sure! I trust it will be a lightbulb moment soon. Enjoy your garden goodies! I’m excited to be working in mine again.

  65. Mary Milnarich says

    I love the antique bowls and the antique ironing board. Just two of the many things I would use the gift card on.

    • Larissa says

      Love those treasures. Fun for me to find and hang onto for a bit.

  66. Charlene says

    I always look forward to new ideas and love many of yours.

  67. Debbie says

    I have been praying for you and your family. I pray you have God’s sense of purpose in all your endeavors.!

    • Larissa says

      Thank you! Even yesterday we had a door open that we’ve long been waiting for. God is good!

  68. Maria says

    Yeah!! What an awesome giveaway!! Love your stuff!!!

  69. Anne Holcomb says

    So happy for you through your beautiful journey. I love all your work. Thanks

  70. Lisa says

    I love that you’ve included Scripture in your blog! I’m sorry that people are insensitive at times and use words that cut instead of encourage. Keep going; you inspire us. I just wish I could borrow some of your energy 🙂

    • Larissa says

      It’s hard not to bust out in song sometimes when I speak of God’s goodness. My pleasure to share. My energy is inherited as I have many who’ve come before me that astounded me in their tenacity. What a blessing!

  71. Becky says

    Thanks for sharing your journey with us! I need to read your beginnings posts. I need to get something going here to help my 16-year-old sell his “loot”. : ) Overwhelming? Yes! I’m sure you know aaaaaall about that! It encourages me to see another plain old, everyday, homeschooling, woodworking, cooking & cleaning mom doing it all, haha!
    WHAT a giveaway too! your generosity is a little overwhelming! Thank you!

    • Larissa says

      High five to you, Becky! 😀 Sounds like we are two peas in a pod. I’m delighted to be able to offer some things for those that make me who I am. hugs!

  72. Kathy Wells says

    Larissa you amaze me with all that you do! I look forward to seeing and hearing more about your “new beginning “.

    • Larissa says

      It’s truly fun to hear, Kathy. Thank you! I hope to have more news soon since as soon as I posted this a door was opened the same day. Exciting! God is good.

  73. Amber says

    I lOve everything in your store! It would be hard to choose what I would spend the gift card on if I won.

  74. Deb says

    I think you are a very creative person i love to come and see what what you have been up to! So many choice at your shop it will be hard to decide!

    • Larissa says

      That’s wonderful to hear, Deb, as I love to share. Thank you for being there!

  75. Sue Pagels says

    Thank you for doing the giveaway! I always enjoy your posts and your furniture makeovers – so inspiring! But, isn’t is sad that people feel the need to tear other people down, especially on-line where they can hide? I never understood that!

    • Larissa says

      My pleasure, Sue! I call them keyboard warriors and they can be so nasty at times. Sad.

  76. Teresa says

    These prizes are great, thank you for the opportunity!

  77. Kaycee says

    Larissa, I am so excited for you and am truly looking forward to seeing where God’s vision and hand leads you! You know I am a huge fan of your work, inspiration and words. You have touched my life in many ways and I thank you for that and all that you do and share with all of us here. I feel blessed to have found you. Happy Mother’s Day!

    • Larissa says

      Right back at ya, Kaycee! You show me unending love and that means much in this online world. Thank you!

  78. Crystal says

    There is a bunch of stuff in your shop that I would love to have! I think if I won I’d get the vintage bowl set – it would look great in my kitchen! 🙂

  79. SONJA HANSEN says

    You always have such fun stuff and ideas as to how to use your stuff. I will probably spend my gift card on Zibra brushes. Thanks.

  80. Denise Harlow says

    I love the way you use your gifts and hope you enjoy your new endeavors. I love how you turn trash into treasure so creatively! God is so good & I love that you share your faith so lovingly. I would probably get your repurposed Bath screen sign…love it!

    • Larissa says

      He surely gives me much to be thankful for, including you, Denise. Thank you!

  81. Michele says

    I want to tell you how much I love your blog and hope you never stop (Well, maybe one day your children can take over!). I truly look forward to it and have learned so much. And although we live very different lives I feel you’re part of my family. And for what I would buy from your shop? That would be very difficult to decide, but what ever it was it would be beautiful! Hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day. I’m sure your family will have something special for you!

    • Larissa says

      So sweet of you, Michele. Not planning to stop, but open to new ways of doing what I do. Being part of your family is what matters the most to me and why I do what I do. Thank you for affirming what I feel God has for me. Big hugs!

  82. Carol Claremont says

    Hi – I haven’t looked at your shop in ov3r a week. My last purchase was 2 Zibra paint brushes but I had major foot surgery and about an hour after we got home from the hospital, I lost my balance and fell hard. I panicked because I could not put ANY weight on foot for at least 6 weeks so I caught myself with my the upper part of my right arm and that kept my foot from hitting the floor. However, the entire weight of my not very small body was caught with that one arm so hello to a torn rotater cuff. I am 68 and in a wheelchair which I have to use both arms to get me from place to place and am home alone for about 10 hours a day. Needless to say, painting or crafting were just not possible. What I want to tell you is this. Furniture remakes are my favorite thing to see on the blogs. Sometimes, I see one I like on another blog but none are as good and as special as yours are. I LOVE almost every piece you do. You are so talented and I love that you are teaching your children – another generation of talented people coming along. It i wonderful that you are sharing such wonderful items with your fans!! One more thing, I don’t always comment because I have bad arthritis and neuropathy in my hands and sometimes typing hurts but I almost always comment when I love something because the hard work done by you or someone else deserves to be complimented. I never write a negative comment to anyone as it is so rude and cruel to hurt someone’s feelings. My mama always said if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all do I try to always be kind. I bet you teach your kids the exact same thing! Sorry this is sso long – am going to look at the goodies in your shop now – keep up the good work.

    • Larissa says

      Oh no, Carol! I, too, have a torn rotator cuff and it is awful. I can’t imagine how you are dealing with it on top of all your other issues. Prayers up for you for recovering and hope you find some help/relief. It means so much to me that you took the time and effort to show love. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  83. Mary Kaiser says

    I love the sheep you have in your shop, there are so many things in the shop that I would love to have, so it would be hard to choose. I hope to win something, thanks for the chance.

  84. Sandra says

    Love your blog and if I must choose it would be the antique printer’s drawer!

    • Larissa says

      Sounds good to me on both accounts. 😉 Thanks, Sandra!

  85. Kimberly says

    I wish you all the best in any new endeavor, but hope you don’t quit sharing these inspiring makeovers.

    • Larissa says

      Thank you! Not planning to, but with anything, change is good and hoping to see some changes. One door was already opened the day I posted this, so we’re excited to see what God has in store.

  86. Brenda says

    Best of luck to you on your new beginnings. You have done some amazing things and I look forward to what else you have in store for us. Don’t let the negative nellies get you down there are always some no matter what you do. Keep up the awesome job you have been doing.

    • Larissa says

      It’s wonderful to read your words, Brenda. With all that I do pouring myself into my blog, it’s hard not to let them get you down, but I leave it to God and carry on. Thank you!

  87. Robin says

    I’ll be praying for you as you wait on the Lord.

    • Larissa says

      Thank you so much. My heart is full of decisions and I look to His leading.

  88. Jeanette says

    Larissa, I love your transparency and truth. Thanks for sharing your journey. You truly inspire so many people. Thank you for what you do. Thank you for sharing your life with us. It’s amazing to witness your talent and heart.

    • Larissa says

      Jeanette, it is truly a blessing I can do what I do. Thank you for showing me love and support.

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Client Love

I love it! Larissa is amazing. She listened to what I wanted and then she took care of the rest! This is my second piece I've bought from her and I'm in love! I highly recommend her.

~ Laurel

Prodigal Pieces

~ Laurel

I love it! Larissa is amazing. She listened to what I wanted and then she took care of the rest! This is my second piece I've bought from her and I'm in love! I highly recommend her.

I love this cart, it's exquisite. The item was received in extremely secure packaging, no damage to the item. The delivery person was very professional and courteous. Larissa of Prodigal Pieces is so very amazing. A rating of 10 is deserved. Thank you, Larissa.

~ Stephanie

Prodigal Pieces

~ Stephanie

I love this cart, it's exquisite. The item was received in extremely secure packaging, no damage to the item. The delivery person was very professional and courteous. Larissa of Prodigal Pieces is so very amazing. A rating of 10 is deserved. Thank you, Larissa.

I should have left this review MONTHS ago! I absolute love this lunch bag. I honestly carry this 5 days a week. It is the perfect size! Not only can you put your lunch in it, it can also hold your book. I enjoy reading at lunch, so I have all I need in one cute bag. Thank you so much Larissa!

~ Mikki

Prodigal Pieces

~ Mikki

I should have left this review MONTHS ago! I absolute love this lunch bag. I honestly carry this 5 days a week. It is the perfect size! Not only can you put your lunch in it, it can also hold your book. I enjoy reading at lunch, so I have all I need in one cute bag. Thank you so much Larissa!

Awww…I love this sweet Cat with an attitude!! SO SO adorable! Well worth the money, and he will become a priceless treasure in my home! Thanks Larissa for always making your ideas turn into true treasures!

~ Sharon

Prodigal Pieces

~ Sharon

Awww…I love this sweet Cat with an attitude!! SO SO adorable! Well worth the money, and he will become a priceless treasure in my home! Thanks Larissa for always making your ideas turn into true treasures!

Perfect purchase from start to finish! Absolutely adorable piece so creatively thought out. Packed with the greatest of care with lightening fast delivery. Very customer-oriented and friendly crafter. Could not ask for more! Thank you!

~ Deanna

Prodigal Pieces

~ Deanna

Perfect purchase from start to finish! Absolutely adorable piece so creatively thought out. Packed with the greatest of care with lightening fast delivery. Very customer-oriented and friendly crafter. Could not ask for more! Thank you!
Prodigal Pieces