What's a gal to do when she's minding her own business shopping for one thing, but then happens upon something that should definitely not leave behind? Please tell me I'm not alone when I find this kid's rocking chair in the thrift store. Truthfully, I feel that it needs to come home with me. ahem. ... READ the POST
Search Results for: silverware
Goldendoodle Puppy Blessing
Seasons come and season go, as do each day and year. If we blink, we just may miss it. Sometimes it happens before our eyes as we may have the wrong focus. I won't say that the last few decades have been easy, but during those times I've had the absolute pleasure of having my family with me, and ... READ the POST
Vintage Washboard Wall Art
Do you consider yourself a #trashure junker? I'm not talking about someone who drives around with a car/truck filled with literal junk, but rather someone who sees glorious potential in the cast-offs and unwanteds. Anyone like that is a friend of mine. Maybe you're not the on that boat yet, but ... READ the POST
Side Table Upcycled into Decor
Are you ready for some Trash to Treasure fun?!? It's the second Tuesday of the month and that means I'm joining up with four other fantastic bloggers to present to you brand new inspiration. You'll see their projects in a bit. But, for now, take a look at what is up for grabs out of my stash. It's ... READ the POST
Upcycled Wooden Thread Spool Art
Collections are one of those things that can grow on you...literally. Especially when like-minded friends off you bags of loot that have no sane reason to turn down. However, the only problem is when said loot spends years in your desk waiting to be made purposeful again. The time has come for me to ... READ the POST
Thrifty Farmhouse Makeovers – Four in One
Who doesn't love a good haul of someone's unwanted "junk"? I know I do!! What you see below is an assortment of wooden goodies that are prime for making into my own home story. That's the best part right there...creating that story-telling home. Likewise, I'm 100% NOT a box store junkie and this ... READ the POST